Comics and Art

This page may eventually get fancier, but for now it's just meant to be an easy-access index. Currently extremely Samurai Flamenco-centric, SPOILERS ABOUND, and more or less safe for work. Apart from the content at the top marked NEW!!, everything is in chronological order.

Comics * One-Offs and Art


NEW!! "Promare: Know Your Audience"

Following the events of the movie, Gueira and Meis are down in the dumps, and Galo tries to help. Tries.

"Samurai Flamenco and Beyond Flamenco Super Team-Up Comix"

As much as I enjoy inventing depressing head canon for Beyond Flamenco, I’m also really craving a cheesy Samurai Flamenco/Beyond Flamenco “teaming up with your evil apathetic twin to fight a greater evil” movie.

"F.A.Q." 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 -8 -9 - 10 - 11

A comic set about a month after the business with Haiji wraps up. Masayoshi tries to use delicacy and tact (no, really) to get Goto to open up about a topic near and dear to his heart; Goto, sympathetic but unsure whether he’s ready to have that conversation, variously tries to direct it and derail it. Turns out neither of them are very good at the thing they’re trying to do.

"Back to Work"

Following the wedding, Goto returns to the police box. (Or does Goto?)


Barakamon is extremely enjoyable in its own right, but a lot of Samurai Flamenco fans have also been amused by heroine Naru looking (and kind of acting) like a tiny Masayoshi. (Also draws on one of the omake comics from Samurai Flamenco: Another Days.)

"Samurai Policeman, Naked!!"

Turnabout is fair play, but maybe not an effective strategy...

"The Best-Laid Plans"

One problem solved, but another one pops up in its place...

"Giving and Getting" 1 - 2

Not necessarily a prequel to “F.A.Q.” (below), but playing in the same “not long after the Haiji business/Goto going through a rough patch/Masayoshi doing his best to help but he’s new at taking care of someone else” sandbox.

"I Like to Think of Them as Wisdom Justice Highlights" 1 - 2 - 3

Masayoshi puts Goto under a lot of stress.

"Plot Hole" 1 - 2 - 3

Goto’s got a question for Masayoshi about the night they met.

"While You're Out..."

Goto touches base with Masayoshi while he's on patrol.

"For the Hero Who Has Everything"

Goto tries to get some gift inspiration from Masayoshi.

"Catch as Catch Can" 1 - 2 - 3

Something that didn’t happen, but — let’s be honest — easily could have, at the end of 22.

"Wavelength" 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15

Set shortly after episode 22′s epilogue. After Samurai Flamenco returns from setting that litterbug straight, Goto and Masayoshi walk and talk on their way home. Then Goto goes for it.

"How Many Times Do We Have to Have This Conversation?"

She forgot her umbrella.


Goto is usually better about checking the weather. Luckily, Masayoshi is here to help.

"A Small Celebration" 1 - 2 - 3

Masayoshi turns 20 around episode 5, and his 21st birthday comes about two weeks after the events of the final arc. This comic starts with Masayoshi having arranged for some time off to deal with the fallout, and meeting with Ishihara to finalize a few things…

"Know Your Limits" 1 - 2 - Epilogue

Set shortly after episode 18, Masayoshi is excited to try beer for the first time, but he also has some reservations…

"Accommodating" 1 - 2

Set between the end of the Haiji business and episode 22′s epilogue, Masayoshi and Goto celebrate Christmas with cake and some of Masayoshi’s new toku DVDs, then prepare to bed down for the night.


After Masayoshi’s accident (see the Samurai Flamenco: Another Days manga), Goto refuses to leave his side until he wakes up. (Repeatedly.)

"The Way to a Man's Heart"

Masayoshi makes chocolate to suit Goto's tastes.

"Time Lapse"

Goto, over time.

"Pain in the..."

A day or so after the events of episode 18, Masayoshi and Goto tidy up Goto’s apartment.

"Buyer Beware" 1 - 2

Goto thinks he’s found the perfect Christmas gift for Masayoshi, but while waiting in line to check out, he starts to have second thoughts…

"The Shape of Fear" 1 - 2 - Epilogue

In the middle of a hero show marathon, Masayoshi and Goto discuss a common plot device.

"Always Leave Them Wanting More" 1 - 2 - 3

Celebrating Justice Husbands 2017. Masayoshi and Goto’s wedding day is finally drawing to a close, but the newlyweds are teetering on the edge of exhaustion. Can they survive the throngs of well-wishers just a little bit longer, or will Masayoshi have to take matters into his own hands?


During one of Masayoshi’s post-series check-ins with Haiji, Haiji questions the hero’s commitment to him…

"And the Nominees Are..." 1 - 2

The hosts of "The Wow Show!" ask Masayoshi who he'd nominate for the third National Hero Awards.

Happy New Year 2019 (Year of the Pig)

One-Offs and Art

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"Haiji Gets a Visit from (a) Masayoshi"

Nothing good can come of this.

"Harakiri Sunshinbo"

Chobits and Samurai Flamenco initially have very similar plots, made funnier by the fact that Sugita voices both Goto and Hideki. Since Harakiri Sunshine and Hideki's friend Shinbo also share a voice actor, this felt reasonable.

"Beyond Flamenco at His Computer"

Inspired by a member of the Flamencult who suggested that Beyond Flamenco makes the From Beyond promo videos. (More effort was put into finding a chair that could accommodate his tail than securing a decent editing setup.)

"It's Not a Cigarette, It's a Lollipop"

Self-indulgent child-sized Goto.

"Rurouni Flamenco"

A speculative image of Masayoshi adjusting to being stranded in the Edo period during the Samurai Flamenco: Another Days finale.

Flamengers Redraw

Flamengers curry night screenshot redraw, from 12.

King Torture Redraw

King Torture screenshot redraw, from 10.

"Two Flamencos on Patrol"

If Masayoshi ever gets a second suit made, and Goto is feeling indulgent.

"Totsuka Best Cop Dad"

You had to be there.

"Beyond Flamenco (Octopus Crown)"

Imagining a Beyond Flamenco who was full-tilt boogie into being From Beyond’s leader and virtually invincible before becoming “just the Interface.” Six glorious tentacle tails, 65,000-member hivemind that does whatever he says, zero fucks given -- until Goto shows up.

"Handsome Monster" 1 - 2 - 3

What more terrifying costume could Goto come up with for Halloween than a HANDSOME MONSTER? (It makes sense if you check out the Japanese next-episode previews.)

Takoyoshi, Tako-chin, and Beyond Flamentako

"One to Use, One to Display, One for a Backup, One for..."

My part of a spontaneous and wonderful collaboration with Hero after Great Eastern announced their Goto plush.

"The Honeymoon's Over"

Based on Catie’s fic “Breakup”.

"Yowamenco Pedal"

Because Alien Flamenco and Kinjou share a seiyuu (Hiroki Yasumoto), as do Blue and Makishima (Showtaro Morikubo).

"Happy One-Year Airing Anniversary"

"Mama Goto" 1 - 2

Some SamFlam fans have adopted May 10th as Goto’s unofficial birthday (since “go” = 5 and the 10th of the month in Japanese is “touka”). Since 5/10/2015 also happened to be Mother’s Day, I jumped on the “Mama Goto” bandwagon.

Small Yoshi and the (Were)Wolf

Werewolf Goto from Catie’s werewolf AU stuck babysitting smol Masayoshi, because. “Let’s go, doggie! Onward, for JUSTICE!”

Happy New Year 2016 (Year of the Monkey)

Epilogue to "Let's Go Home"

Masayoshi can't wait; Goto can't chew fast enough.

"Goto's Girlfriend"

It’ll be tomorrow before you know it, Go-chin.

"Spotted in Yukimachi"

Clean, recolored version of a text-heavy magazine cover from ”Buyer Beware" (below).

Happy New Year 2018 (Year of the Dog)